Congratulations with 600 000 hits. I see I am number 600 003
18.04.2021 00:53
Hei! Vanlig Grand Prix synser her. Er det noen fler en meg som synes Maltas bidrag i år er ett halvplagiat av en bedere danse låt fra rundt 10 år tilbake: Mr Saxobeat/ Alexandra Stan.
16.03.2021 17:17
Billy Gustav panopio Preiss
Kan jeg bli medlem i mgp
16.03.2021 17:25
Les på hva du gjør for å bli medlem.
10.10.2020 06:06
roy van der merwe
Really great that the views are climbing all the time, shows you do a good job
14.08.2020 11:36
roy van der merwe
I love the song from the first listen - English and Norwegian versions. so sad it did so badly.
14.08.2020 11:35
roy van der merwe
I got the FINN KALVIK vinyl single from a local record company. They phoned me and said they got a couple of singles from Europe as promo material and they know I will want them
12.08.2020 07:48
roy van der merwe
I read with interest your comments on JAHN TEIGEN when he won the Norwegian selection
16.05.2020 06:39
roy van der merwe
Very interesting blog of what EUROVISION 2020 could have been liked - yes ICELAND - LITHUANIA - BULGARIA or MALTA could easily have been the winner this year, having a new country added to the list.
18.10.2019 09:31
Tony Nord
Anmeler intresse for deltagelse på höstreffen den 9.e november. Mitt namn er Tony og liker MGP.
Nyeste kommentarer
26.09 | 20:30
Det var Ilse de Lange som stod bak vinnerbidraget fra 2019. Hun introduserte Duncan Laurence for utvelgelseskomiteen.
24.08 | 16:59
Vel, ligner for mye på "Shallow" for min smak
11.05 | 07:16
Den desidert beste låta ble fremført av en italiener i pausen før resultatene kom. Det sier litt
roy van der merwe
Congratulations with 600 000 hits. I see I am number 600 003
Hei! Vanlig Grand Prix synser her. Er det noen fler en meg som synes Maltas bidrag i år er ett halvplagiat av en bedere danse låt fra rundt 10 år tilbake: Mr Saxobeat/ Alexandra Stan.
Billy Gustav panopio Preiss
Kan jeg bli medlem i mgp
Les på hva du gjør for å bli medlem.
roy van der merwe
Really great that the views are climbing all the time, shows you do a good job
roy van der merwe
I love the song from the first listen - English and Norwegian versions. so sad it did so badly.
roy van der merwe
I got the FINN KALVIK vinyl single from a local record company. They phoned me and said they got a couple of singles from Europe as promo material and they know I will want them
roy van der merwe
I read with interest your comments on JAHN TEIGEN when he won the Norwegian selection
roy van der merwe
Very interesting blog of what EUROVISION 2020 could have been liked - yes ICELAND - LITHUANIA - BULGARIA or MALTA could easily have been the winner this year, having a new country added to the list.
Tony Nord
Anmeler intresse for deltagelse på höstreffen den 9.e november. Mitt namn er Tony og liker MGP.